Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Sun and its energy on our planet

Welcome to Ask Doug The Electrician! So here are a couple of cool facts to ponder on about energy consumption. Every six hours the sun bathes the lands of the earth in as much energy as the world consumes in a year. If we could just find a way to collect and distribute that energy our energy problems would be solved. Unfortunately, most of our energy consumption is in the places with the least sunshine.
Solar is the lowest risk technology, with the lowest probability of doing more harm than good. Another way of capturing energy from the sun is called biomass. Biomass captures and stores the suns energy for later use, like bamboo. Biomass can be converted to denser forms like coal, or wood chips and shipped to where it is needed surprisingly economically. Bamboo has been known to grow as much as 48 inches in a 24-hour period and has been observed growing 39 inches per hour for brief periods! The plants can grow to full height in 3-4 months but die naturally on a six-year cycle.
Some of the fuels possible from biomass are: Crude oil/biodiesel, LNG (biomethane), torrified wood pellets, ethanol, methanol, ammonia, wood pellets/chips, liquid hydrogen, and lithium ion batteries. There are more and more possibilities and the future will certainly be an awesome place if we continue on this great path.

Enjoy the day!
Ask Doug The Electrician!


Anonymous said...

I am the sort of guy who passions to taste radical stuff. Presently I'm building my private solar panels. I'm making it all alone without the aid of my men. I'm using the internet as the only way to acheive that. I stumbled upon a really brilliant website that explains how to contruct pv panels and wind generators. The site explains all the steps needed for solar panel construction.

I am not really sure bout how correct the info given there iz. If some guys over here who have experience with these works can have a see and give your feedback in the thread it will be great and I'd highly appreciate it, because I really lav [url=]solar panel construction[/url].

Tnx for reading this. U people are the best.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the reply! I will check out the link and let you know what I think. The technology is expanding right now at a very fast rate, and you can expect to be able to make and install you own different types of renewable energy systems easily.
Thanks again,

Anonymous said...

nice read. I would love to follow you on twitter.