Sunday, September 27, 2009

Save Money Now! Power Save Unit

Hello All! Welcome again to Ask Doug The Electrician!

Save your money and electricity immediately! See 8% - 25% reduction on your next energy bill. PLUS provide Surge Protection for your entire electrical system for 2000 joules! What is this Doug, you ask? Its a 6" X 6" X 4" device that I can install in 45 minutes or less, start saving electricity needed for your house immediately and will pay for itself in about 6 months. I have been installing them for a couple of years now, and they work! Designed by a NASA engineer, approved by UL, the Department of Energy, and CSA certified. Its life expectancy is 60,000 hours at 95% survival!

The unit provides energy savings by reducing the amount of power drawn from your utility with the use of specially designed harmonic resistant capacitors. Power-Save 1200 systems optimize your home's power factor thus reducing the amount of energy your homes motor loads use such as air conditioners, refrigerators, freezers, washers, dryers, dishwashers, pool pumps, vacuum cleaners, furnace blower motors, fans, etc. Motor loads require more energy to do their work compared to other electrical equipment in your home. The Power-Save 1200's "Power Factor Optimization" significantly increases the efficiency of your motor load and stores waste energy resulting in decreased demand and usage of electricity from your utility company. This equates to significant cost savings for you, the home owner.

COMPLETE INSTALLATION WAS $825, but times are not too awesome right now.... So I’m offering my own economic stimulus and installing them for $685! Please call or email to reserve yours. Additionally, POWERSAVE guarantee’s 60 days Customer Satisfaction!

Check out these two links below. The first is a CBS news team showing an actual installation with savings results.

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